
It’s not just a DMB song. It’s not only something that my computer does. Every once in a while you just get overloaded. I’ve always found that when I do, I just need a reboot. A little bit of time away from my stress and away from people to put myself back together and pick … Continued

Recent work

So I’ve come a long way from where I started out. This year I’ve really tried to embrace what it means to be a dancer of various disciplines. It means I have had to step out of my comfort zone to achieve things i previously thought impossible. But I’m proud of where I’m at right … Continued

…and justice for some

It’s the nature of the biz. Sad thing is that it’s the nature of life. The ones that work the hardest are not always the ones who get everything that they hoped for. There’s always politics involved. And it doesn’t just happen in the entertainment world. It’s all about who you know, who likes you … Continued

Oh that Culture of Ours….

You will never see church people clamoring at the door of a club to get in. You just won’t see it. There are different people trying to get in there. Yet, that’s exactly what happened in a dream I had the other night. In it, I was supposed to meet up with some friends at … Continued

Colombia, the aftermath

I made it back to the states in one piece. I’ve hit the ground running as expected. I took a look at my month of March and I have a performance every weekend. Eeeeek. But what an amazing trip I had. It was exactly the break I needed. Colombia has an entirely different way of … Continued

Carnival: Pre-trip research

I’ll be leaving for my trip to Colombia tomorrow and one of the added bonuses of my mini-vacation is that I’ll get to experience Carnival again. Its an annual festival so rich in culture that I couldn’t possibly do enough research on it before I leave. I did however, look up some of the basics … Continued

Hip Hop versus….

There’s been an ongoing battle inside myself. It stems from trying to decide how it is that I am going to pursue my dance career. Recently I discovered how awesome modern dance is, and these days I’m getting really good at it with the help of ballet. There was also a period of time when … Continued

Leaving on a Jet Plane….

Another busy week of dancing. I don’t really know how I survived it. My body is on the verge of muscle failure just from getting up in the morning but somehow I made it through the entire week with an absurd amount of energy. One of the highlights of the week came from the finalization … Continued


Recently, I was asked to do something for Martin Luther king day. Something culturally enlightening to educate myself. I ended up just slacking the day away like many of my other peers had done. It wasn’t until after that I realized that I was being challenged to take a sympathetic look at the world around … Continued

Ynot- something meaningful

Everybody does it at some point today whether you talk about it or not. Even before it became a tradition there always comes a moment when you reflect back on your life or life in general. So I say, why not today? Not only are we passing into another year but passing through the first … Continued