
Take this post from the perspective of someone who is still relatively new to dance. Still in the honeymoon phase. Still okay with people who watch dance and go “YASSSS” or “WORK” when they see something awesome. Still in the phase of dance where I appreciate being touched by raw emotion and feeling. Not everyone … Continued


Take this post from the perspective of someone who is still relatively new to dance. Still in the honeymoon phase. Still okay with people who watch dance and go “YASSSS” or “WORK” when they see something awesome. Still in the phase of dance where I appreciate being touched by raw emotion and feeling. Not everyone … Continued


Take this post from the perspective of someone who is still relatively new to dance. Still in the honeymoon phase. Still okay with people who watch dance and go “YASSSS” or “WORK” when they see something awesome. Still in the phase of dance where I appreciate being touched by raw emotion and feeling. Not everyone … Continued